Bridging the Gap: The Importance of Practical Experience with Xero for Graduate Accountants

accountant graduate courses upskill xero Nov 23, 2023

Starting a career in accounting after years of study is an exciting journey. Armed with theoretical knowledge and a strong academic foundation, graduates often find themselves entering the professional world with great enthusiasm. However, a common challenge faced by many new accountants (and their new employer) is the transition from university studies to the real-world application of skills, particularly when it comes to utilising essential tools like Xero.

 Xero, a very popular cloud-based accounting software, has become an industry standard for businesses of all sizes. Its user-friendly interface and robust features make it an invaluable asset for accountants in managing financial data, payroll, and other crucial aspects of accounting. Despite its prevalence in our industry, many graduate accountants leave university with limited hands on experience with Xero, creating a gap between their theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Let me give you an example around onboarding a new client.

A graduate accountant is tasked with onboarding a new client who has just switched to Xero. The graduate struggles to efficiently set up the client's account, leading to delays and potential frustration on the client's end.

Or an example around reporting and analysis.

An accounting firm receives a request for a comprehensive financial report from a client using Xero. The graduate lacks the practical knowledge to generate advanced financial reports, hindering the firm's ability to provide in-depth insights. 

Xero is amazing and easy to use for business owners, but there is so much more it can do in the right hands. The easiest solution is to get practical training specifically in Xero from people who use Xero day in, day out. We know there is a big gap – we have seen it ourselves with our new hires, so we developed a curriculum to get accountants up to speed using a variety of practical examples and live support sessions.

While a degree provides the foundation for a successful career in accounting, the ability to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios is equally crucial. Graduate accountants, armed with practical experience in using tools like Xero, not only become more valuable assets to employers but also contribute to the overall efficiency and growth of the accounting profession. By closing the gap between academia and practical application, the next generation of accountants can step confidently into the dynamic world of finance, well-equipped to navigate the challenges that lie ahead. You can view our range of courses here.


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