
Embracing AI Responsibly: A Guide for Accountants ai ai tips chatgpt pratice management Jun 28, 2024

 As early adopters of the wonder that is AI, it is important we are using it responsibly, especially for the sake of our clients. 

The Importance of Self-Regulation in AI

As we integrate...

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Overcoming Employee Resistance to New Systems in Your Practice employee practice management technology Apr 23, 2024

The technology stack (systems used) of most accounting practices are changing frequently. This continual advancement in tech can presents challenges, particularly when it comes to introducing new...

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AI and Offshoring: The Perfect Combo to Grow Your Practice accounting practice ai automation chatgpt growing a practice offshoring Mar 28, 2024

The concept of future proofing has become essential for organisations aiming to grow amidst uncertainty. With constant advancements in technology, businesses are constantly seeking strategies...

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Using ChatGPT to Create Team Training. A How To Guide. chatgpt future proof accounting invest in training offshoring Feb 28, 2024

We are all busy, wanting to grow and one of the biggest issues we face in our industry is: how do we train? How do we support our staff, especially if you're using an offshore team?

One thing that...

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Why Accountants MUST Upskill in 2024! chatgpt cloud membership learning upskill webinars Jan 31, 2024

In the current world of finance and business, the role of accountants has evolved a lot from the traditional “number-crunching” days. As we enter 2024, the dynamic nature of the global...

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