Using ChatGPT to Create Team Training. A How To Guide.

chatgpt future proof accounting invest in training offshoring Feb 28, 2024

We are all busy, wanting to grow and one of the biggest issues we face in our industry is: how do we train? How do we support our staff, especially if you're using an offshore team?

One thing that has worked well for our team was to create a training bot whereby you can actually upload all your training materials, whether it's in video or whether it's in document form. You upload all your material then test the bot out and refine. The bot will then  be able to help you with your team training or supporting your team when they have questions and you're unavailable.

We have put together a 6 minute video tutorial to help you understand the process. You can view this here:

It’s easy!

Using ChatGPT, if you click on Explore GPT, you can either use any of these GPTs that are already available for anything else. A GPT is a Generative pre-trained transformers which are a type of large language model and a prominent framework for generative artificial intelligence. The video above will step you through this.

You can upload files, you can upload videos, you can upload any documents you want. Once that's all uploaded, then you can save and have some conversation starters.


Once you've created the bot, you can keep adding and updating your bot, so you don't have to do everything right in the first go.


You can restrict the access as required which is helpful.


The quality of the bot will be determined by the information you give it to use. Garbage in – garbage out. The best part though as once you have it refined, it is set and forget. This may allow you to grow quicker as your training is sorted. It is a big investment in your time to set it up, but done correctly, you will make that time back very quickly!  We love our training bot and think you will love yours too!  


Check out our website for more ChatGPT webinars where we dig deep into the world of ChatGPT and how it can benefit accountants.


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